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‘Tis the Season… for Giving Back!

There’s something in the air this time of year, in spite of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We gather with family and friends. We smile a little more, walk a little lighter and hug our families a little tighter–feeling thankful for all we have. It’s a season of gratitude and appreciation…and of course, giving.

This past Tuesday, November 15th, organizations all across the US honored the work of individuals who make a difference in the lives of their clients. We call this day National Philanthropy Day. The notion of philanthropy can feel a bit daunting, as it comes with an implicit expectation to meet what feels like an ever-increasing need.

But in the simplest of terms, “philanthropy” means goodwill to mankind. It is a deeply personal action in which each of us chooses to engage for a variety of reasons. For some, it is the act of giving itself that will help to keep a child safe, a family in crisis supported or someone without a home to find food, shelter and comfort to disrupt a cycle of heartache and trauma. For others, it is a purpose-driven belief in the value and honor of being a part of something greater than yourself.

This faith in the greater good has served as the cornerstone of Allendale’s 125-year history of developing and implementing innovative therapeutic programs and services to adapt to the ever-changing needs of the community.

“We truly believe that together, we can make a difference in the lives of children and families,” says Jason Keeler, Allendale President & CEO.

For more than a century, Allendale has been blessed with partners who have joined us on our journey – individuals and organizations with a shared purpose – who have chosen to come alongside us; making our life-changing work their own! Together, we have discovered new and innovative ways to help kids and families find opportunities to restore their lives and discover a better future. What began with our founder, Edward Bradley, whose compassion and commitment to serving young boys with no home or family, has grown and evolved into a continuum of services, treatments and an array of programs serving over 600 children and families each year.

His empowering legacy that started in 1897 lives on today through the continuing philanthropic and relational giving spanning generations of those dedicated to helping others in need.

This holiday season, we ask that you share in this enduring legacy of philanthropy bringing “goodwill to mankind” as together, we continue to provide youth and families the life-changing gift to reset and chart a brand-new course that will lead to building successful relationships and purposeful lives. To help us achieve this goal, a very generous anonymous donor will match every donation up to December 15th or until we reach our goal of raising $85,000! You can take advantage of your donation being doubled in several ways this year:

A tradition of care and service.

For 125 years, Allendale, a private, not-for-profit organization, has led youth with serious emotional, mental, and behavioral health challenges and their families on a journey toward resiliency.

At Allendale, our aim is to offer every chance for healing and growth – through myriad programs and services and a continuum of care including 24/7 therapeutic residential treatment, therapeutic day school programs, outpatient counseling services, foster care and community support services. Allendale is a place where kids and families have the opportunity to restore their lives and discover a better future.