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Allendale provides kids with a safe haven. Not only is it an idyllic setting, tucked away from the chaos and confusion they’ve come from, it’s an encouraging and uplifting community. It’s a positive environment with a history of earnest outreach and a culture of caring – where kids can find the courage to fear less and hope more.

Our main campus is located on 120 acres on the west bank of Cedar Lake in Lake Villa, Illinois. 

Here you will find:

  • 9 Residential Treatment Cottages
  • Bradley Counseling Center (Out-Patient Services)
  • Proops Professional Development Center
  • The Elizabeth Morse Special Education Center
  • The Shelter Commons Cafeteria 
  • Bernard B. Rinella, Jr. Horticulture Center & Mazza Red Barn & Gardens
  • Career & Technical Education Center at ML’s Place 
  • Myers Gymnasium
  • Marian Farwell Chapel 
  • Library 
  • Outdoor recreational areas -- including Cedar Lake beachfront for year-round activities, a wooded area for hiking and exploring, multi-purpose sports court and playgrounds
  • Medical & Health Services Center
  • McGraw Operations & Facilities Center
  • Administration Buildings

In This Section...

Mission & Values

Our goal is to inspire hope in the midst of adversity, by all means possible.


We bring together a highly-skilled, credentialed and experienced interdisciplinary team of service providers, educators, medical professionals, social service representatives.

Board of Trustees

Our dedicated governing board oversees all we do.


Our locations are designed to remove barriers to accessing care.


Since 1897, we have been entrusted with the care of kids that come from the most difficult and devastating circumstances.

Outcomes & Impact

Allendale is a place where kids have the opportunity to restore their lives and discover a better future.


We’re invested in good stewardship and committed to transparency.

Standard of Excellence

We hold ourselves to a higher standard so you can too.

Allendale Women's Board

For over 100 years the women of the Allendale Women's Board have been an incredible source of charitable giving and volunteer efforts.